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How to Find Happiness Even in the Most Difficult Times

How do you find happiness in difficult times in life? Even though you may be facing challenging circumstances, or immense levels of stress, you can still find happiness. Just a few years ago I was dying! Facing death was one of the most emotionally traumatizing experiences of my life. I was a mother with three young children and five failing organs.

I desperately needed a multi-visceral (5-organ transplant). I needed a miracle! This was one of the most challenging and difficult times in my life. I was so scared and traumatized emotionally. Yet I found strength and courage with a simple daily practice of seeking to find happiness.

I start a new habit and created my “happiness” journal. I wrote as often as my health allowed. As time progressed I became very extremely weak and frail. At 5’6” I barely tipped the scales at 90lbs. Due to nausea and vomiting I had to be on I.V. nutrition. I was hospitalized frequently and began slowly bleeding internally which the doctors could not stop even after undergoing hours of extensive surgery.

Intense pain was a regular part of my days and long sleepless nights. When I lacked the physical strength to write in my journal. I made “mental” entries in my “happiness” journal. I would quiet my mind, and share my thoughts with God. Taking time to think of my children and husband, my family and the small and simple things that brought happiness into my life. I was truly amazed by the strength and courage that was gifted into my life.

You will be surprised by the incredible power this simple habit will provide your life. It will bring renewed hope, more gratitude, peace, content, joy and of course… more happiness! Take the time to write daily. Make a list of all the things that bring you happiness big things, little things, and anything that brings you joy or provides peace for your heart. Here are a few ideas from my journal to jog your thoughts or help you get your own journal started with ideas to jot down.

“Happiness” Journal Entries:

• Listening to music and dance like no one is watching
• Getting out in to nature. Stop and smell the roses.
• Read uplifting books or scripture listen to positive podcasts
• Daily meditation or prayer
• Doing volunteer work being a part of a “greater” cause. “Paying it forward!”
• Learning a new hobby- craft projects etc. Just being creative.
• Spending time with friends and family

If you want to up level your happiness even more go above and beyond just journaling- commit to taking action. Make a weekly or even better daily habit of spending time doing one specific activity that makes you happy!

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