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Three Reasons Why People Don’t Chase Their Dreams

Are you living life by default or living a life you designed full of your hopes and dreams?

Do you still have dreams of a lifestyle you would love to attain or a business you’d like to start?

As we go through life we often grow into the mindset that we have to work hard and we can’t take chances – or chase dreams – because we have to be responsible, especially if we have a family to support. The mindset in general refers to the learned attitudes you’ve adopted over time. A fixed mindset can keep you trapped in a cycle of limiting beliefs. Beliefs come from thoughts we think repeatedly. Did you know you can learn how to create new beliefs? https://melindacoaching.com/?s=beliefs

If you’re stuck in a fixed mindset, you can make changes to shift into a growth mindset https://melindacoaching.com/how-to-get-what-you-want-in-life-grow-your-bank-account-your-business-and-your-goals/ Your mindset plays a huge part in whether or not you follow their dreams. Not everyone has the same mindset and if one person is a risk-taker in one part of their life, they may not embrace the same risk in another part of their life.

Here are three ways mindset can sabotage your ability to dream big and chase those dreams:

1. You think you’re too old. Age is just a number and in your mind, if you think you’re too old to do something, then you won’t do it. Of course, if there is a physical limitation or risk of doing an activity, then err on the side of caution, but if you think you’re too old to start a business, think again.

Need some inspiration? Look up the stories of Ernestine Shepherd and Josefina Monasterio. Both women are grandmothers who have won hundreds of trophies as bodybuilders. They didn’t let a negative mindset get in the way of reaching their goals and they started their training at ages 58 and 59, respectively.

2. You’re afraid to fail. Failing and succeeding are two inevitable results in life, two opposite ends of a spectrum. If you’re afraid to fail, you’ll never know if your idea was a good one or not. As the famous Thomas Edison is quoted as saying, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Edison is one of the preeminent inventors of our time and if he didn’t overcome the mindset of giving up or not being good enough, we probably wouldn’t have the lightbulb, phonograph, or motion picture cameras today.

Do not let the fear of failure get in the way of achieving your goals…even the ones that you think may be impossible. https://melindacoaching.com/how-to-achieve-your-impossible-goals/

3. You lack confidence. You’ll always have the little devil on your shoulder telling you to give up because you’re not good enough or there’s someone better than you. Did you know that Walt Disney was fired from his first animation job at the Kansas City Star newspaper because they said he lacked imagination? Now the Walt Disney Company’s assets are worth over 98 billion dollars. So much for “lack of imagination”!

My point is often we are our own worst enemy. If your mindset is holding you back from starting a new business and achieving the lifestyle you want, there are ways to change those negative mindsets into positive ones. As your life coach, I can teach you powerful tools/strategies to help you build confidence, embrace your fears and learn how to achieve any goal. https://melindacoaching.com/product-category/coaching-services/ Together we can create the positive changes you desire in your life.

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