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Success: How to get what you want in life

The world has a way of manifesting new opportunities when you are eager to grow. You can change your life, grow your bank account, grow your business, achieve your goals, and live the life you dream of.

What is the secret to getting what you want in life?

The secret to success in life is to have a growth mindset.

What is a growth vs. fixed mindset? A growth mindset is an attitude that you can always change for the better. You are open to learning new things and have a more positive outlook. If you feel like you’re stuck in your current financial, physical/emotional, or vocational status and fail to recognize the fact that there is always room for improvement you have a fixed mindset.

The mindset in general refers to the learned attitudes you’ve adopted over time. A fixed mindset can keep you trapped in a cycle of limiting beliefs. Beliefs come from thoughts we think repeatedly. Did you know you can learn how to create new beliefs? https://melindacoaching.com/?s=beliefs

If you’re stuck in a fixed mindset, you can make changes to shift into a growth mindset. One way to make that shift is to incorporate tiny habits into your routine.

What do habits have to do with it?  Small changes or “tiny” habits that you incorporate into your daily life will help you shift into a more growth mindset. A new tiny habit might be reading a self-help book every night for a few minutes; reading not only improves your vocabulary and you can put this new knowledge to work to enhance your life. The process of reading, learning, and incorporating this advice will shift your mindset toward growth and you will see positive changes occurring.

Here are three habits that can help you successfully shift your mindset:

  • Spend five minutes a day visualizing your next step in life or your career.  When thinking of your goal, break the path down into smaller steps or new tiny habits.
  • Recap your accomplishments at the end of the day. Avoid dwelling on what wasn’t finished; simply put those tasks onto a new to-do list and save them for tomorrow. Knowing what’s on task for the next day gives you a head start.
  • Be grateful. Take just a few minutes to meditate or journal about your gratitude. When you recognize all that’s good in life, your daily attitude will naturally become more optimistic.

You don’t need dozens of tiny habits to shift your mindset. Simply choose one or two to start and incorporate them into your daily life. Are you feeling a bit “stuck or stagnate” in life? Break free from a fixed mindset and become unstuck. CLICK HERE to get my new workbook “This is Your Year” inside this workbook/resource guide you will find helpful thought-provoking questions and my best actionable tips that you can implement immediately to create positive change in your life.

Do you want 1-on-1 guidance to accelerate your personal growth Let me teach you the Tiny Habits® methods you will be able to quickly and easily create new habits that last? You will discover powerful “tiny” changes lead to a big impact. Stop living your life by default and start living a life you design! https://melindacoaching.com/product-category/coaching-services/

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