
Discover a New Way to Make and Keep Your New Years Resolutions

Do you feel overwhelmed by new years resolutions? Have you tried every year to follow through on your resolutions only to “fall off the wagon”?

Do you feel like a failure because you just can’t stop over-eating, but you desperately want to lose weight and improve your health?

Or maybe you wonder “Why can everyone else handle drinking alcohol, but why can’t I seem to keep it under control?”

Are you weighed down by the stresses of uncompleted projects because you procrastinate too often?.

According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most people have “fallen off the new year’s resolution wagon” by mid-February. If this is true, it’s clear that there is nothing wrong with us; the problem is in the tradition itself.

It is time to try a new approach. Here is how you can still create the personal growth and changes you desire. Change the way you set goals and new years resolution planning tactics. Instead of being overwhelmed by tackling an annual resolution and feeling the daunting pressure of focusing on an entire year for your goals. Change to a monthly resolution or monthly goal focus. The secret to staying on track is to use a “macro and micros” mindset.

“Macro” goals are your “big” dreams/ultimate goals. “Micro” goals are the small actionable steps or behaviors you need to do in order to achieve your big dreams.

What is the next thing you need to learn, implement, or do in order to create the changes you desire in your life?

What’s one goal you would love to reach and can achieve in a month? For the next thirty days, you’ll tackle a smaller “micro” goal as you work towards achieving your “macro” goal one day at a time.

Follow these four simple steps

Break the macro (larger) goal into small micro (tiny) goals. Ask yourself what do I need to do to reach my goal over the next four weeks?

  1. Create a new habit of micro goals/behaviors to help you work toward achieving your monthly macro goal.​
  2. Set a completion date for each step over the next 30 days. Stay focused on your end result and stick to the “micro” goals.
  3. Record your progress. Write down your deadlines in a “to-do” list. Cross off each “micro” goal as you accomplish them.
  4. Have support and guidance when obstacles pop-up the best way to do this is to enlist a friend as an accountability partner or hire a coach. https://melindacoaching.com/how-to-win-at-life/

You can eliminate overwhelm and help you stay on track to successfully achieve your goals.

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