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How to Create New Beliefs

Beliefs come from thoughts we think repeatedly. We can learn how to believe something we don’t yet believe by deliberately changing our thoughts and deciding to choose what we believe.

Four steps to help you create new beliefs:

Step 1: Find out what you believe now. You can discover your beliefs by doing a download your thoughts. Set a timer for five minutes and begin writing. Write down everything you believe and your thoughts about yourself, your body, a specific aspect in your life, or about a relationship you have with a spouse, friend, or family member. Write without editing judging your words.

Step 2: Examine what believe? Are these thoughts positive or negative? Is your current thought serving you if not, what do you want to believe instead?

Step 3: Decide what you want to believe. Create a second thought download except for this time select two or three negative thoughts and re-write a new version of that sentence.

Step 4: Practice believing your new thought over and over. What you believe is what you create. By doing this you can achieve your “impossible goals”.

Create the changes you desire and achieve your goals by leveraging your thoughts and beliefs. To practice creating new beliefs click here for your free worksheet.

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